Statement from Kiely Bros on new ALARM Survey
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Statement from Kiely Bros on new ALARM Survey


“Naturally we were disappointed to learn that the AIA ALARM survey 2024 showed the backlog of carriageway repairs in England and Wales had increased to a record high of £16.3 billion.

“While we welcome the recent injection of funding for road maintenance by the Government, against the backdrop of inflation, increasing costs and increasingly common extreme weather, the growing backlog is forcing councils to spend more on reactive maintenance/emergency repairs. This means local authorities have been left on average with a shortfall of £7.2m per authority (AIA ALARM 2024).

“As the AIA ALARM 2024 found that roads are only resurfaced on average once every 80 years in England, it is important that we prevent potholes from forming. Prevention is vital to save money on reactive maintenance and safeguard the good condition of our road network, saving additional costs for motorists and helping to stop accidents related to the condition of our roads.

“To help achieve this, surface dressing is a quicker, greener and more cost-effective solution to extend the lifespan of existing road surfaces, preventing water from deforming the surface of roads and hence preventing the formation of potholes. At Kiely Group, we have been championing preventative maintenance in the UK, with innovative technologies like the adoption of an AI tool that can monitor road surfaces in real time predicting where potholes could form or our Multipatcher, which can fix a pothole in just three minutes. 
“We urge Local Authorities and the Government to invest in more preventative road maintenance, which would reduce the need for expensive reactive maintenance, improve our existing road network utilisation and create greener, safer journeys for all road users.”

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