Multipatcher transforms road surfaces quicker, cheaper and more effectively
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Multipatcher transforms road surfaces quicker, cheaper and more effectively

The UK’s first-ever Multipatcher is part of Kiely Bros’ innovative solution to revolutionise pothole repairs and road surface dressing. This new technology can simultaneously handle all road maintenance tasks, from cleaning and preparing potholes, to delivering high-quality finished road surfaces.


Originally imported from Australia, the Kiely Multipatcher is the only machine in the UK than can carry out pothole repairs and patching at both the front and rear of the vehicle. This dual function sets it apart from other road maintenance equipment and increases its productivity. This makes it unique in capability and efficiency as the Multipatcher can patch approximately 30 metres of road in under 3 minutes.

When compared to traditional road surfacing methods, the Multipatcher is also safer as well as quicker. Unlike the usual methods that require multiple crew members working on the road, the Multipatcher can be operated by just one person from inside the safety of the cab. By removing operatives from vulnerable road positions we significantly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. This also removes the need for expensive traffic management costs as the machine can work on an open site, without the need for road closures. The Multipatcher creates less disruption and makes road maintenance operations more efficient, cheaper and safer for everyone involved.

The Multipatcher is not limited to pothole repairs alone. It is also capable of completing small-scale surface dressing works, sealing road strips, and restoring half-widths of carriageways. Its versatility means it can tackle various road maintenance tasks, making it a cost-effective and efficient choice for local authorities and contractors.

The new technology also comes with pioneering software that can map where potholes were repaired. This means we can take before and after pictures which can be used for invoicing or creating detailed reports on sites where the Multipatcher has been used.

Mike Kiely, Managing Director of Kiely Bros, said “At Kiely Bros we are committed to bringing the latest technological and innovative solutions to local authorities and contractors in the UK. We believe the Multipatcher has the ability to change the game in road maintenance by providing quicker and cost-effective road surface dressing and repairs. New technology is the future and we need new solutions to help us treat the backlog of road maintenance repairs that are desperately needed”.

If you want to hear more about the Multipatcher and the services we can offer, get in touch with us at: to arrange to meet us. We will also be attending the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat Party Conferences so be sure to reach out to us.

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