Working with Kiely -
Staff Testimonials
At Kiely Bros, we take career paths as seriously as the pathways and roads out there in the real world. We’re committed to making sure every employee is equipped to fulfil their potential and we’re also determined to prove that the phrase ‘a job for life’ lives on and stays strong. Here’s what our people say about working here.
Dan Griffiths
Operations Manager
1. What do you like about KBL?
Being part of a family-run business that always strives to be the best in the industry. Improving working methods and investment into the business allows us to deliver the best possible service. The fleet’s been improved dramatically over the past 16 years since I have worked for the company, giving us the opportunity to increase our work streams and be able offer all processes to our clients. We now offer an ‘all-in’ package for preventative road maintenance.

2. What do you enjoy about working at KBL?
Being part of an expert team to help deliver specialist surface treatment packages for clients nationally. A close team of managers allows us to help and support each other in our day-to-day roles.

3. What are you/the company good at?
Planning, programming and delivering works operationally, taking into account various different requirements from our clients. Communicating our works is a must and this is shared daily to ensure the whole business/client and public are aware of our programmes.

4. What are you proud of personally and about the business?
Being given the opportunity to progress through the business from a trainee to operations manager and play a key role in programming work nationally to deliver programmes within budgets and timeframes for clients.
Laura Hogarth
Purchasing Supervisor
1. What do you like about KBL?
It feels like home. I have been working at Kiely Brothers for 3 years now, and before that I was lucky enough to have work experience here while studying at university. Ever since leaving uni, I have known this is the place I wanted to work to build my career and develop myself. My dad has worked for the company for over 15 years and the support, love, and presence me and my brother have both had growing up from him reflects his excellent work/life balance – another reason why I wanted to be part of this family and team.

2. What do you enjoy about working at KBL?
Roles at Kiely Brothers are constantly evolving, at a rate which is manageable, achievable yet still very motivating which is a great way to ease into a company and learn many aspects of it. The trust the managers and directors put in their staff to carry out their day-to-day roles is incredibly high – which makes staff feel valued, appreciated, and always willing to go above and beyond.

3. What are you/the company good at?
I have never known a company so approachable to talk to, both personally and professionally. Personally, we are provided with all the tools, support, and extra courses we need to carry out our role and develop ourselves further, and professionally the company is always open to new ideas on ways to simplify processes and continuously strive to improve and succeed.

4. What are you proud of personally and about the business?
When I returned 5 years later as a full-time employee after my work experience, I was amazed to see how much Kiely Brothers had expanded. I also noticed most of the staff were still working here, which made me feel very welcome and glad to be back. I think this is a huge reflection on the type of company it is – that staff simply do not want to leave. Everything you need in a job is right here. ‘Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work’ and I am sure this is part of the reason why Kiely Brothers are as successful as they are.
Mark Woodward
Fleet Manager
1. What do you like about KBL?
This is a family business with strong core values regarding the welfare of staff and family. They invest in people with training and development and don’t entertain corporate or internal political BS! Professionally, the business has the buying power of a major national organisation and decisions get made fast because employees are empowered – there are no layers to get through.

2. What do you enjoy about working at KBL?
People here are rewarded for hard work and loyalty. They can progress and develop, are entrusted to manage and allowed to make their own decisions. Directors listen to ideas and support, and if they do reject a proposal, proper feedback is given. No two days are ever the same in my role, which I also love.

3. What are you/the company good at?
We’re problem solvers. We grow the business by thinking outside of the box and trying new things. This includes looking at changes that will impact on future business e.g. carbon reduction, low emission fuels, recycling and so on.

4. What are you proud of personally and about the business?
The changes made within the Transport Office to automate the process and improve efficiencies, and the feedback from other members of the company about the good morale within the Transport Office. I have also spoken positively how the company gave me an opportunity to make a complete career change at 50. This is another example of Kiely Bros being prepared to take a risk to give people a chance.
David Rodgers Jnr
Contracts Supervisor
1. What do you like about KBL?
Kiely Bros is a place that is always looking for new ways to improve and develop, whether this be personally or operationally. We are encouraged to look beyond the present and think more about how we can make long-term differences to the business through training and experience in different areas. In the relatively short time I have been at Kiely Bros, I have seen that personal development is key and have learned many new skills myself. I have also seen a growth in the business, branching out into new operations and improving on existing ones.

2. What do you enjoy about working at KBL?
I enjoy the challenges of an ever-changing environment. No two days are the same, which forces all of us to be very fluid with each other. At Kiely Bros you are supported from every single level of management. We have such a vast wealth of knowledge throughout the business, and it is accessible at any level. I always feel supported in my role and feel confident in making important decisions knowing I have that level of support. I also enjoy the feedback I receive from all levels of the business. I know that if I have success I will be congratulated and if I make a mistake I will be given feedback in a progressive way designed to aid in my development.

3. What are you/the company good at?
One thing I have always though the company does successfully is communicating important information throughout the business. For a vast company with huge amounts of information handled each day, communication is vital. Internal information such as programme changes, material issues or industry news is consistently shared with all the relevant parties. Externally I feel we also keep our clients well informed on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. I believe that one of my personal strengths is also communication. I pride myself in my clients knowing that I am always available and them having faith that I will always keep them informed of relevant information.

4. What are you proud of personally and about the business?
I take pride in knowing that in a few short years I have gone from a retail manager with no experience in this industry to being able to successfully oversee contracts. I am also proud of the relationships I have been able to develop with everyone I have worked with, as they are key to successful operations. I am proud to work for Kiely Bros because we are the industry leaders in surface treatments. As a company we consistently go above and beyond for our clients and members of the public.
Shannon Sanders
Claims and Customer care
1. What do you like about KBL?
It has a real family feel. Having joined KBL in 2010, I was hired by Mike Kiely who I had known for many years through my dad. My dad has worked for KBL for over 20 years and there was a real connection from the moment I joined. Having been with the company for nearly 11 years, I now feel fully part of the family and am very grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given. It is plain to see that togetherness is at the forefront of the business, and that is why the company has gone from strength to strength.

2. What do you enjoy about working at KBL?
I enjoy my day-to-day job role and working alongside my other colleagues, who I fortunately have great working relationships with. Whilst some days have their challenges, no day is ever the same as the last and that is something that keeps me motivated and committed to my role. I feel settled, fully valued, and get given opportunities to develop and progress at a suitable rate, which means juggling a work/home-life balance is something that has never been a concern for me.

3. What are you/the company good at?
I appreciate the trust the directors at Kiely Bros have in their staff and that they have faith in us to carry out our roles to the best of our abilities. As an employer, the business is very flexible and understanding with its staff. This is something that isn’t taken for granted and encourages us to work harder.

4. What are you proud of personally and about the business?
Thanks to Kiely Bros, I was able to purchase my own home at the age of 27, which was a first for anyone in my family – let alone a female. I have made lifelong friends and even met my fiancé through work. I thoroughly enjoy my job and really couldn’t envision working anywhere else. Working for or with KBL will be the best decision you ever make.
Lisa Lucas
Accounts Manager
1. What do you like about KBL?
Since joining Kiely Bros in 2019 I have found it to be an excellent company to work for. The staff are all very knowledgeable of the industry and are striving to be the best in the business. At Kiely Bros all the staff are treated with respect and compassion, which sets them apart from other businesses.

2. What do you enjoy about working at KBL?
I love working at Kiely Bros. The management listen to the employees and are approachable on both a business and personal level. Everyone here shares the same vision and is dedicated to achieving the goals of the business. I love that I have a degree of control and freedom within my job to suggest and make changes and improvements – not only to my role but to the way we do things as a team.

3. What are you/the company good at?
We’re brilliant at what we do and we are always looking at ways to innovate and improve the processes. There is also exceptional work being done regarding environmental issues, which is important to the sustainability of the business and the effects we could have on the environment.

4. What are you proud of personally and about the business?
I am proud to work at Kiely Bros and have been fortunate enough to be supported in my studies by the business – successfully passing my first level of the ACCA qualification, which wouldn’t have been possible without the support from the company. I am also proud of some of the changes I helped implement within the sales ledger side of the business, which now runs even more efficiently. I truly believe Kiely Bros has an amazing future ahead, with an experienced and knowledgeable senior management team driving the company in the right direction.
Chantelle Rugman
Contract Supervisor
1. What do you like about KBL?
At Kiely Bros I enjoy the variety of work and having a part to play in the process throughout the whole year. I have started applying for works permits and I have also taken part in advanced warning signs, site measuring and hardness testing as well as spending time on site during the winter patching season. When the main surface dressing season starts, I personally find it interesting to see why the works completed in the year leading up to that point are important.

2. What do you enjoy about working at KBL?
I really enjoy working with everyone at Kiely Bros. I spend a lot of time out on site with drivers and labourers and I also spend time working within the offices in Birmingham and Taunton. I have managed to build strong working relationships with members of staff at all levels, and I’m really happy with the positive impact it’s had on the outcome of the work I’ve been involved with over the last three years.

3. What are you/the company good at?
I find Kiely Bros to be extremely resourceful and adaptive. Outside of the main surface dressing season, I have taken on various roles to help the company prepare for the next season and have found a lot of staff members’ roles also change throughout the year based on the company’s needs. I think this has led to an entire workforce who are all willing to get stuck in with whatever is needed at the time.

4. What are you proud of personally and about the business?
Personally, I’m proud of how I have fitted into the company, especially as I’m one of a few females who spends a lot of time out on site. I feel I can go out to do my job and not be treated any differently based on my gender. The company’s attitude towards women in the construction industry is really promising.
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