Labour Manifesto


 After years of underinvestment, the UK’s road network has been left in a poor condition, leaving the country with more than 1 million potholes and an increase in pothole related breakdowns of 20% from last year. 

2023 is already the third worst year on record for pothole related breakdowns, representing one of the biggest issues to constituents about our road network. 

That’s why we at Kiely Bros are asking the Labour party to commit to: 

1 Restore local authority’s road maintenance budgets. Years of Conservative cuts have left our roads in a desperate state, with expenditure on local roads maintenance halving from £4bn in 2006 to £2bn in 2019. A commitment from the government that ensures local authorities will have funding restored to tackle the increasing backlog of road maintenance repairs is necessary to ensure our road network does not deteriorate, hold back the rest of the economy and impose indirect costs on families to repair their vehicles. 

2 Guarantee funding for road maintenance is ringfenced. We believe that in order to fund the estimated £14bn backlog of road maintenance repairs that our road network needs, funding should be dedicated exclusively for this purpose. Ensuring the UK’s road network functions properly is a necessity to create economic growth, support sustainable transport modes and ensure the effective transportation of goods and people. 

3 Prioritise more cost-effective investment into preventative road surface dressing treatments. Change the current approach to road maintenance from reactive to preventative. Surface dressing preserves, protects and extends the life of existing asphalt infrastructure for cheaper and more sustainably, reducing reactive maintenance costs and leading to fewer potholes. 

4 Provide local governments with better guidance on road maintenance. Current road maintenance processes are currently inefficient, outdated and often too expensive which has led to the number of miles of roads resurfaced to be at the lowest point in 5 years. We are calling for cost-effective road maintenance guidelines, supported by industry, which emphasise durable solutions like surface dressing to reduce costs on local authorities and extra costs to families. 

5 Encourage greener surface dressing treatments instead of new roads. Surface dressing is greener than traditional road surfacing methods, emitting only 0.175kg of CO2 per m2 and extending the lifespan of existing infrastructure. Prioritising surface dressing will help deliver a fairer and greener future by ensuring families have less unexpected costs, road-based public transport faces less disruption and the economy can function more efficiently with up to date infrastructure.

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